Full PDFs need to be updated whenever desired, or after content changes. Full PDFs do not automatically update (unless specifically requested to update on a set schedule). To update the PDF of your entire catalog, first make sure you are logged in to your catalog’s site.

Then, there are two main ways you can update full PDFs.

Regenerate PDFs Button

When you are logged in, you should see a button in the black toolbar at the top that says either Regenerate PDFs or Regenerate [year] Catalog PDF. If you have multiple PDF Generators on your site, clicking Regenerate PDFs will reveal a submenu with the names of each PDF Generator. If you just have one, you will see the Regenerate [year] Catalog PDF. Clicking on the button will immediately start the updating process. Do not leave the screen until the blue progress bar has finished and you are taken to a new screen, indicating that the process is completed.

If you do not see this button, contact [email protected] to have it added.

Content Overview

  1. Click the Manage button in the toolbar, then click the Content button underneath.
  2. In the filters section under Type, select PDF Generator, then click the Filter button. One or more results may appear below.
  3. If you have permission to edit, you can click the Edit button for the catalog PDF you wish to generate on the righthand side of your screen. If you don’t see this button, contact your campus administrator to request permission.
  4. You will be able to upload a front and/or back cover page if needed. Unless you have been trained to edit other aspects of the PDF, we advise you not to make any other adjustments. If changes need to be made to the organization or layout of content, contact [email protected].
  5. Finally, hit Save and Generate PDF at the bottom of the page to start updating the PDF. You will see a blue progress bar; be sure to not close the page until it has finished loading.
  6. You can click the button to view or download the PDF on the next screen.
