Levels of Approval
- We can customize the amount of approval levels for your institution. However, we recommend adding no more than ten levels of approval.
Workbench Access
- A user cannot be different roles for different workbench sections. If a Catalog Approver is assigned to multiple programs in Workbench or multiple handbooks, they will be a Catalog Approver and receive the email notifications for all assigned workbench sections (programs).
- For example, a user cannot be a Catalog Approver for Biology (receiving email notification), and a Catalog Editor for Math (not receive email notification).
- However, typically roles with more permissions will inherit permissions of all lower-level permissions, so a catalog approver will be able to perform catalog editor tasks across all assigned content in addition to catalog approver tasks across all assigned content.
- If you grant a user role (say the catalog editor) the ability to send a certain type of content to a particular state (department chair review) they will always have the ability to do that. The system cannot route the content to a different state automatically based on the edits that were done. If a user has the ability to send content to multiple states they will always have that ability and it is up to them to know where to route it.
- Because there is only one version of each page, only one user can move to the next transition. For example, one Catalog Editor can move content to “Ready for Review”.
Approving Changes
- If multiple approvers are assigned to a section, they will all receive the email notification if content in that program is ready for review. However, only one approver will be able to publish or move content to next level of review, so this will be on a first come, first serve basis.
- There is no feature in the system currently to notify the other approvers this content has been moved to the next state, so this will require collaborating outside of Clean Catalog to discuss who will be approving and moving to the next review state in the workflow or publishing. For this reason we recommend setting one approver for each workbench section (or a small amount) to make this easier to manage.